Many individuals fail to realize that a person can have perfect vision while still experiencing developmental vision problems. Visual therapy is a program that is based on each individual and what is needed to help that individual function fully. Our ADD doctors in Lancaster, PA, are dedicated to helping individuals with ADD, ADHD, and an array of conditions address their problems and improve their vision.

What Conditions Can Be Treated with Vision Therapy?

There are a wide variety of conditions that can be treated with vision therapy by our ADHD doctors in Lancaster, PA. Some of those conditions make other conditions worse; for instance, those with ADHD may benefit from having access to their full visual capabilities. Because of his dual background, Dr. Seiderman can work with individuals to help these conditions simultaneously.


Amblyopia is a condition that can develop when the connection between the brain and the eye does not develop properly. The connections between the brain and the eyes develop when children are very young, and failure of these connections to develop properly can lead to a lazy eye or the eyes simply not working together. Sometimes, a child may have one nearsighted and one farsighted eye.

Focusing Problems

Every time you change the focus of your vision from one area to another, you have to adjust your focus. Most people do this automatically and never have to think about it. The brain has to justify two pictures because each eye is giving a different picture into one picture. When the eyes do not coordinate together, individuals will not be able to focus properly. This can lead to frustration and even behavior problems.

Binocular Dysfunction

Our eyes work like binoculars to put together so we can see clearly, accurately, and with depth. Individuals with binocular dysfunction may have trouble bringing their eyes together or releasing their eyes from a point of convergence.

Eye Movement Dysfunction

Some individuals are unable to follow a moving object without moving their heads. The muscles do not work together to help the individuals follow movement.

Visual Perception Dysfunction

Sometimes, a child has perfect vision, but their brain cannot process the information and interpret it correctly. This ability is vital when children learn to read, write, and perform other important skills. Children with visual perception dysfunction may have problems in these areas:

  • They may have trouble integrating skills so that they can learn handwriting. They will be unable to stay within the lines or space letters correctly.
  • These children will have trouble recognizing words on a page, even if they are familiar with the words, or even copying something from one page to another.
  • They will mix up letters that are similar.
  • It can interfere with their ability to know left and right or directionality.
  • Children with visual perception dysfunction may confuse parts of words or entire words.

Dyslexia, ADD/ADD, and Other Learning Disabilities

It is common for children who have function vision problems to exert symptoms that are similar to those found in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is due to the fact that this condition makes it difficult for children to make sense of the information that they are seeing with their eyes. They may struggle to focus during school, or they may even squirm in fidget in their seats. This can be frustrating and lead to careless mistakes. Our ADD doctors in Lancaster, PA, can provide you with a proper diagnosis and help your child get the vision therapy they need to address various issues they may be experiencing relating to ADD, ADHD, or other learning disabilities. Some of the ways our ADD doctors in Lancaster, PA, will help include working with your child to improve their:

  • Focus
  • Lazy eye symptoms
  • Eye teaming
  • Vision perception
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Visual tracking

Clearly, any of these conditions and dysfunctions can result in a child’s inability to learn the necessary skills to succeed in school, even when it comes to very basic skills such as learning to write. When children receive vision therapy from our ADD doctors in Lancaster, PA, they learn to overcome these deficiencies to start experiencing the world visually the same way that other people do. Failure to address these kinds of dysfunctions when children are young can lead to these children falling behind and having trouble ever catching up again.

Schedule an Appointment Today

At the Vision Development Center of Lancaster, we are committed to helping your child succeed. Dr. Seiderman has a degree in Optometry and an advanced Psychology degree, which helps him to take advantage of treatments that work with different areas of your child’s development. If you want to see how our ADHD doctors in Lancaster, PA, can help, contact us online or call (717) 656-0534 today.