Summer vacation will be here before we know it, and all kids will want to do is play. Until they get overwhelmed or bored – and the summer stops being such a breeze.
While children view summertime as the ‘fun time’, with no obligations, it’s crucial to involve children in activities and games to keep their minds engaged during summer break and to keep up with vision therapy.
This summer, have a plan for playtime, downtime, and well-being time, so your kid, and you, can make the most of summer vacation!
Since doing vision therapy opens the door to doing better in school and living a happier life, summer time is actually a perfect time to focus on making sure your child gets the “keys” to unlock that door.
Taking a vacation from therapy may unleash the very behaviors or mechanisms that have been helped by the therapy, putting a strain on the child.
A child could considerably regress if he or she does not continue with the vision therapy during the summer break – so it’s incredibly important for parents to be informed, educated, and prepared to help their child stay with the program.
Therapy can, as a matter of fact, be fun for children, and at Vision Development Center of Lancaster, we’re here to help them stay on the right track and prepare them for the next school year.
Our therapy program is based on the needs of the individual, and uses lenses, prisms, flippers, and red and green tools to help correct the visual system to work hand in hand with the brain.
The world renowned Dr. Seiderman’s program includes Drug – Free, Non- Invasive, Natural Treatments for symptoms of ADD and ADHD that can change your life, or the life of your loved one.
Starting or continuing with vision therapy in the summer can greatly prepare your child for school in the fall, as it treats concentration, reading, and learning issues. Your child is not as tired or feeling overworked as during the school year, and is likely to have a greater capacity for focusing on the therapy. After all, summer usually provides a much-needed relaxed setting for such an important activity.
And even if your child does not complete the vision therapy before the school year starts, he or she will hopefully have started making improvements that will continue over the course of the year.
Our sessions are grouped into 12 appointments, where patients mostly come to our office once or twice a week for an hour and a half. Your child would get several “homework activities” to complete at home on non-therapy days.
Most of our patients experience full results once the whole therapy program is complete, and are mainly free from ADD/ADHD symptoms or able to lower medication dosage, and/or stop taking medication.
If your child is suffering from a visual dysfunction or has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, or a learning disability, don’t wait until it gets worse – let the journey to better health and quality of life begin today.
Expert vision therapists at Vision Development Center of Lancaster are here to help your child with professional evaluation and vision therapy based on their particular needs.
Looking for the right vision therapy or ADD doctors in Lancaster PA? Call our office at (717) 656-0534 to make an appointment, or click here to take our free symptoms survey.