Traditional eye doctors treat sight not vision. The familiar “eye chart” was originally designed to help the doctor determine how well someone can see the letters from 20 feet away. If a patient fails at reading the eye chart, eyeglasses will be prescribed. Traditional eye exams fail at identifying visual dysfunctions.
Visual dysfunctions must be treated by Developmental Optometrists who are board certified to diagnose and treat visual dysfunctions.
Developmental Optometrists are eye doctors who have taken advanced training and additional education in vision related disabilities. By using advanced skills and the latest therapeutic techniques, they can help correct most vision disorders that cause the same signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD, without invasive procedures.
Dr. Arthur Seiderman O.D., M.A., F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D, has over 50 years of experience and is a board certified Developmental Optometrist who performs binocular examinations.
The comprehensive battery of tests for the binocular examination consists of:
• Balls of Fusion
• Cheirscopic Tracing
• Vectograph
• King Devitt Eye Movement
• Visual Copy Forms
• Tachistoscope
• Accommodative (Focusing) Test
• And many other diagnostic tests with computerized testing
This testing normally takes about two hours and is completely non-invasive.
Our trained therapists who help administer the testing are happy to explain each test that is being performed. For most children, Dr. Seiderman will also request a word recognition test and a Slosson test to determine the child’s intelligence level and/or potential.
Once the diagnostic testing is finished, Dr. Seiderman will do further testing to see how well the eyes work together as a team. Based on all the gathered information and reviewing the history of the patient, he can determine what the diagnosis is, and if his Orthoptic Vision Therapy program will help the individual.
Dr. Seiderman also holds a master’s degree in psychology, so if he feels your issues will not be helped with the use of Orthoptic vision therapy, he will suggest another route to take.
Therapy Programs Based on the Needs of Each Individual
Once a recommendation for Vision therapy is addressed, Dr. Seiderman will create a therapy program based on the needs of the individual. Most patients come to our office once or twice a week for an hour and a half. Our sessions are grouped into 12 session appointments. During these 12 appointments, patients will wear special lenses (while in therapy only), and use flippers, prisms, and red and green filters to eliminate suppression.
The goal of Vision Therapy is to correct those visual disorders that prevent people from enjoying the full use of their visual system. This is done with the individually prescribed exercises designed to retrain the brain to give the correct instructions. These exercises are NOT to strengthen the eyes, but to teach the eye muscles how to perform correctly and to properly work together.
Our patients will be given several “homework activities” that are presented and we ask that they do them at home on non-therapy days. Each patient is re-evaluated (around) every sixth visit to make sure we are reaching expected goals and assess the progress to see if changes need to be made. On approximately the twelfth visit, patients are seen again by Dr. Seiderman and the patients are re-tested. This is when Dr. Seiderman compares the results to see if the patient’s goals have been met or more therapy needs to be done. He will also talk with patients to check on how their symptoms are doing and if they have noticed any improvement.
Most times patients will note a change in concentration, and/or stress or frustration after the first set of twelve visits. The majority of patients will see full results once the whole therapy program is complete and are most times free from ADD/ADHD symptoms or able to lower medication dosage, and/or stop medication all together.
If you feel that someone you know may be suffering from a visual dysfunction or has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, or a learning disability, please don’t wait until it gets worse.
Call our office at (717) 656-0534) to make an appointment, or click here to take our vision quiz.

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