In today’s digital era, more and more time is being spent staring at our smart devices and computers. Even schoolwork is being performed online.

And many kids, as well as adults, experience eye discomfort and vision problems when using computer, tablet, etc. screens for a prolonged time.

Eyestrain from computer screens is also known as Digital Eye Strain, and according to the American Optometric Association, it is caused by one or a combination of the following factors: the glare on a digital screen, improper viewing distance, poor lighting, poor seating posture, uncorrected vision problems.

Also, researchers have found that people blink less than half as often when they’re reading, watching, or playing on a screen. Furthermore, the contrast of text against the background, the glare, and flickering from digital screens can be hard on your eyes

The symptoms of computer vision syndrome include: eye strain, blurred vision, dry eyes, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain.

With more and more parents and teachers looking for new ways to reduce eyestrain from computer use, we wanted to share a list of tips on how to help reduce computer eyestrain.


Reduce Computer Screen Glare

Try to position your monitor so there is no reflection on your screen from a light or window. Cut glare by using a matte screen filter, and get them for your computer, phone, and/or tablet.

Use the Right Light

Natural light and incandescent bulbs are the best light sources for computer use.

Overall, make sure the lighting in the room you’re in is bright enough, since your device shouldn’t be brighter than the surroundings.

Adjust Size Text

The size of the text you are viewing should be comfortable. While for most fonts fourteen point is optimal, and even twelve point, the ultimate indicator is when the print size is easy to see and doesn’t require you to lean close to the monitor or strain to the see the letters.

20-20-20 and 10-20-10 Rules

Every 20 minutes, focus on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. And if you or your loved one has functional vision problems, we recommend taking a break every 10 minutes and focusing on an object at least 20 feet away for 10 seconds.

Also, we recommend getting up every hour and moving for 5 minutes, look at the farthest objects around – this allows your eyes to focus at different distances and away from the two-dimensional screen.

Check Your Posture

Avoid slouching in a chair, or lying in a couch or bed – it will affect how you’re viewing your monitor, so make sure your both eyes are able to see the screen equally.

Ideally, sit at a desk, with your feet flat on the floor, legs at a 90-degree angle and the monitor straight ahead.

Wear Eye Glasses

If you wear contact lenses, give your eyes a break by wearing your glasses when you use the computer or a smart device.

Finally, get regular eye exams – you might need to use a different pair of glasses when you’re working on a computer.

At Vision Development Center of Lancaster, we offer programs designed to address very specific sets of vision disorders displayed by an individual patient, and our vision therapy techniques can benefit both children and adults.

If you’re searching for ADHD/ADD doctors and developmental optometrists in Lancaster PA or vision therapy techniques – we invite you to begin the journey to better health and quality of life today – call our office at (717) 656-0534 to make an appointment, or click here to take our free symptoms survey.