Students have no doubt been looking forward to Summer break for several months now.  Now that the weather is warmer, kids will be spending a lot more time outside enjoying the sunshine and the great outdoors.  Kids can take this opportunity to participate in some sensory activities.  Sensory activities are a great way to help kids get rid of excess energy and help direct their attention.  Unfortunately, some children with ADHD or ADD may have difficulty with sensory processing and can even go through sensory overload.  This can cause them to have issues with trying to focus or pay attention to certain things.

The Vision Development Center Of Lancaster has a list of some great summer sensory activities for kids and their parents who are looking for natural ways to treat ADHD.  These activities are a great way to supplement treatment through our Vision Therapy program for all of our patients who have sought out natural ways to treat ADD.

This list of activities is sure to keep help kids in Lancaster, PA, and beyond!

  1. Exploring Wildflowers – Lancaster, PA has plenty of places that you can go to find wildflowers of all different shapes, colors, and sizes. Walking through a field of flowers, seeing all of the different colors, and even smelling them is a great sensory experience for kids.  Check with a local farm or even a neighbor to coordinate a time to go and experience some of the great flowers our area has to offer.  Maybe you can even pick some to make a bouquet!

  3. Yard Work – That’s right! Yard work can be a great sensory activity for kids!  Pulling weeds, digging in flower beds, moving stones, or even pushing a wheelbarrow.  These are all sensory activities that some kids may find calming.  This is a great way to get kids involved in a meaningful task that can help you as well!  Give your child an age-appropriate task to help with in the yard and see how they do!

  5. Swimming – Swimming is a summer activity that everyone can enjoy! Beating the heat in a pool is a great way to stay cool, but is also one of the most powerful sensory activities children can participate in!  The constant state of pressure from the water can be calming and help children focus.  Sign up for a pool pass at your local recreation center or public park and have some fun splashing around!

  7. Sandbox – For younger children, a sandbox is a great tool for sensory activities. Feeling the texture of the sand and the grittiness of each grain can be a great way to give your child’s brain some feedback in regards to their sense of touch.  You can also do things like burry toys as “treasures” dig up!

  9. Take a Hike – Lancaster, PA is filled with all sorts of trails and hiking areas that are great as a sensory activity! There are plenty that can accommodate different levels of hikers.  Many are even paved, so taking young children can be easy as well!  Exploring trails and hiking areas is a great way for kids to use their eyes, their ears, and their nose to experience all nature has to offer!  You can even bring along a bucket and make a list for a “Nature scavenger hunt” to help give an extra task to keep your kids focused!

There are many more sensory activities that your children can participate in this summer.  What are some of your favorites?  The Vision Development of Lancaster wants to help your children overcome their ADHD and ADD.  Our Vision Therapy has a high rate of success and we are happy to tailor a program for your child today!  You can start by having children take our Vision Quiz to help determine what the best course of treatment is.