Many adults who have been experiencing visual problems think it’s too late to start vision therapy now. The good news is that vision therapy is NOT only for children, plus – it’s often extremely effective for adults since they can be highly motivated to overcome visual challenges and improve visual abilities.

Children with difficulties using both eyes together or with focusing for great lengths of time will continue experiencing those problems unless they are addressed and treated, since they will not simply disappear when they become adults.

However, many adults tend to try and figure out ways to compensate for their visual problems; so they continue to struggle and do their daily work and try to complete their necessary tasks, while children tend to avoid difficult tasks that make them feel inadequate.

Furthermore, people with ADHD/ADD can have problems with inattention, restlessness, unfocused motor activity and impulsivity, which impact their professional and personal life. Adults with undiagnosed ADHD may have a history of poor academic performance, issues at work, or problematic or failed relationships.

Clinical results have shown statistically significant improvement in vision symptoms for adults who have undergone vision therapy – it can make a tremendous difference in their ability to function at home, work or sports, and bring a measure of ease to their life.

Vision therapy can help adults sustain attention, improve their reading and writing skills, give meaning to what they hear and see, rely less on movement to stay alert, focus better, and drive with less strain and more ease.

At Vision Development Center of Lancaster, we are dedicated to helping both children and adults, offering treatments and exercises through our therapy program, designed to address very specific sets of vision disorders displayed by an individual patient. The program is Non-Invasive, Drug-Free and based on the world renowned Doctor Arthur Seiderman’s techniques that can truly change the life of someone with symptoms of ADD and ADHD.

If you or anyone else you know is suffering from a visual dysfunction or have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, we encourage you to take steps to better health and quality of life today.

If you’d like to know if you would benefit from the vision therapy, or if you’re looking for ADD doctors in Lancaster PA, we invite you to call our office at (717) 656-0534 today to make an appointment, or start by taking our free symptoms survey.